Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have the world's most horrible nails. They're SO bitten and peeled! How can I stop?

Everytime I stop for a few days, I start peeling them again. My friend put something called Bite Nail on them, but that didn't work. I'm promised a manicure if I can get my nails nice and neat.I have the world's most horrible nails. They're SO bitten and peeled! How can I stop?
Okay, this is a serious addiction! I know!

How I quit was by first keeping my nails as short as possible at all times - less to bite!

I cleaned my nails A LOT with nail polish remover even if I didn't need it. The smell and taste was not something to enjoy.

As I got better I let my nails grow out and I got a manicure and once I saw how pretty they were, I couldn't bite them!

Now I make sure they are ALWAYS painted - it really helps you keep yourself away!I have the world's most horrible nails. They're SO bitten and peeled! How can I stop?
use a nail clipper first then a nail file then clear nail polish it will look beautiful that's how i do my wife's tow nails the clear nail polish helps it grow stronger
find something to occupy ur nails and mouth with. chew gum or do something with ur hands if u have to. i used to chew my nails like ALL the time but then i found something to occupy my hands with so that i wuldnt chew my fingernails.
well i always used to bite my nails and bite my skin around but my mom took me one day to get professionaly nails put on i just got them off a like a few weeks ago and my real nails have gotten really long and i havent bitten them but the fake nails made my real nails look horible but they are growing
put hot pepper sauce on them
i quit biting nails. now i bite women-lol. joking. i did quit cold turkey. you gotta wanna.
I used to bite my nails so short and went to a manicurist and got acrily nails. Can't bite those suckers.

Instantly I had beautiful nails and biteing them is a filthy habit.

go back once a month for refills and reshaping. Not that expensive and you can have beautiful sexy nails for the rest of your life.
Keep the moisturized at all times with a nail lactin and then lotion. I bite my nails every now and then as well - it's a nervous habit, but I find that I tend to refrain when I have a lot of lotion on them. Make sure you're always doing something with your hands too - it helps. And I find that working out and taking care of myself physically and emotionally helps me want to have nice make it an overall plan!! Good luck!
you can color your finger nails (if you are a female),once it colored you will be hesitate to bite it.


It is a habit you have that needs to be replaced with something else until you forget about peeling/biting your nails. Try chewing gum so you cann't easily bite your nails. Put bandaids around the fingers that are in the best condition. Make a daily committment to leaving the trouble fingers alone. Try to keep it up for a month and hopefully you will be less tempted to bite/peel your nails after that. Or you could try having a manicure with tips put on. They're not much fun to bite.
Take a cheese grater to um.
Prevention of Nail Problems鈥?/a>
it may stop from time
do your nails nice first then it might tempt u not to bite them and if u still do u can get that like nasty tasting nail polish, but also replace it with a new habit like chewing gum or i always have a barcelet or hair tie around my wrist so that i can figit with that instead of my nails!!
Try using this stuff. It tastes really bitter, so you won't want to bite your nails anymore. It also helps them to grow back in nice and strong. Good luck!

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